Being global requires your business to stay connected with people from around the globe. As you are marketing in a global arena, you must always be visible globally. Among any other business, global business is the one who should utilize social media to connect with people worldwide. Therefore, Social Media is an effective tool for global business.
We have been flooded by Social Media networking, but the most famous social media used by global businesses is Twitter. This social media tool will give you 140 characters to shout out what you are currently doing. It is some kind of micro journal or a blog. You can share anything you want, may it be your personal life, your business life or whatever thoughts you want to share. Entrepreneurs especially those who are doing global business take this as an opportunity to connect with other people worldwide. Through this, you can build relationship with other people, you can learn new information and you can find loyal customers.
Other Social Media that you can also use for your global business are LinkedIn and Facebook. These tools are also useful for your global business. Social Media may overwhelm you at first, but if you get the hang of it, you can easily ride on and later on use it as a tool to develop your global business.
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